Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The Inspiration

A car that runs on muscle power

The inspired creation of Seattle-based car engineer and designer Charles Greenwood, HumanCar Imagine has a steel-tube chassis that is strong enough to carry about 500 kilograms. The FM-4 (Fully Manual 4-passenger) vehicle is said to notch up 50 kmph in an incline and about 100 kmph on a downhill run.

So what inspired the HumanCar? Creator Greenwood says, "It was 1968. Traffic was at a complete standstill. Sitting in their cars were many commuters who were overweight and out of shape. [It seemed to me] there must be a better way to move people around than this. Could one eliminate the need for drivers or vehicle power for part of the daily commute? It was this inspiration that eventually lead to the HumanCar project."

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